For the past 15 years me and my team has developed a home that is off the grid, self sufficient and will never rot or decay and you can keep your eye on it 24/7. This Home will not Burn, It can not get water dammaged, The Bugs can't eat it and it can not Rot over time. Sounds to good to be true, Read on...

Basic Summery
After several years of building standard construction, I said what if you could use a material that can not burn, rot or ever get water damage? After extensive research we came up with a solution, combining commercial building practices with residential and a few modifications.
Imagine a house that is completely off the grid, no utility bills "ever"
a house that does not need keys, keeps the temp. at your most comfortable setting all year without burning an ounce of fuel and full view nano cams in all your desired rooms. It's possible and it's here.

Brief Specifications
Poured Concrete sub-floors with radiant heat throughout
Steel Structure, Framed with light & heavy gauge metal studs
Exterior stucco siding, or choice of fiber concrete siding
Specialty non asphalt roof
Full glass privacy doors with illuminating tint between glass for privacy
Smart panel that controls the entire house
Complete solar energized with battery back up
Exterior outlets to charge your cars
Motion detected LED lighting around the house
Heated driveway and walkways on temp. sensor
Just to name a few things to give you an idea of where we are headed in the building industry. Save trees, have oxegen!

Investment Opportunity Available
Since this is new to the market and we have the need to change how things get done in the building industry, There has been a lot of interest with various investors. We are open to hear and entertain your offers to help keep all future building 100% Green.
One development at a time we can do our part to change things for the better. Save trees...Have oxygen.
For more information visit: www.homeofthefuture123.weebly.com

MJ Salese Construction
Serving the Construction Industry since 1983